The BLFA was proud to take part in the recent BSI Standards Conference and Awards held on Thursday 18th November 2021 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel, Piccadilly, London. This is the first ‘in-person’ event that we have been able to take part in since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, so we were delighted to finally resume our calendar of regular events.
As one of the invited trade associations and as a BSI Nominating Body, we were also able to take part in the Knowledge Marketplace where delegates could find information about our Membership and the products and services offered. The theme of this year’s conference was all about climate change and how standards makers. manufacturers and service providers can help to reverse the effects through the use of sustainable, low carbon or even carbon neutral materials and processes. Part of the discussion focused on ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and how companies need to have a collective conscientiousness for social and environmental factors.
The BLFA has a wide membership that includes companies that are setting the lead in terms of sustainability. We were pleased to have several members provide information on their sustainable laminates and samples for us to display at the event which was attended by 100’s of industry professionals in person and many more online who tied in to the live stream sessions. We would like to thank the following members who provided product samples and literature for the event: Arpa, Fundermax and IDS