We have very exciting news about our exhibition stand, the BLFA Laminate Pavilion, (stand M530) at the forthcoming Surface & Materials Show, part of the UK Construction Week exhibition at the NEC October 10th – 12th 2017 The BLFA is also proud to be the headline sponsor for the Surface […]
We are pleased to announce that the 2017 Annual AGM and Dinner will take place this year at the Marriott Hotel, Forest of Arden on Thursday 16th November. The annual dinner is the highlight of the BLFA calendar and in recent years we have seen record numbers attending. It […]
The 2017 annual BLFA Golf Day was held at Hawkstone Park, Weston-under-Redcastle, Shropshire on Thursday 11th May 2017. Excellent weather combined with 2 first class courses meant that everyone enjoyed a hugely successful event. The highlight of the evening was a presentation dinner where prizes for each main category were announce. […]
The BLFA is celebrating 50 Years since the association was incorporated in 1966, the same year as the England football team won the world cup at Wembley. To go along with the 1966 theme, we are holding our annual dinner at Wembley Stadium on Thursday November 17th and our special […]
The BLFA had a hugely successful 3 days during UK Construction Week and the Surface & Materials Show at the NEC Birmingham from 18th to 20th October. Hundreds of people visited the stand which was directly opposite the Surface & Materials Hub. The Hub was one of the key areas of the […]
The BLFA is proud to have taken part in the Surface & Materials Show Advisory Panel which was held at Grimshaw Architects, London during Clerkenwell Design Week. Grant Turner, BLFA Chairman, was there as a representative of the Association and was invited to comment on various innovations in laminate surface technology. The […]
The 2016 annual BLFA Golf Day was held at Hawkstone Park, Weston-under-Redcastle, Shropshire on Thursday 19th May 2016. Our guests enjoyed a superb day including 27 holes of golf, morning coffee and breakfast rolls, lunch and a presentation dinner in the evening. The event was a huge success and we are sure […]
Thousands of designers, specifiers, manufacturers and fabricators descended on the Business Design Centre in London for the Surface Design Show which was held from 6pm on Tuesday 9th to 5pm on Thursday 11th February 2016. The BLFA stand was a resounding success and the team were able to speak with a […]
Delegates from BLFA member companies recently enjoyed a fantastic trip to the FunderMax laminate production facility in Vienna. The 3 day trip from Wednesday 16th to Friday 18th September 2015 was a unique opportunity to see the production process up close and also gave delegates a greater insight into the FunderMax […]
The Annual General Meeting of the British Laminate Fabricators Association will be held at Celtic Manor on Thursday 3rd December 2015 at 17:30hrs. All members are encouraged to attend. Following the AGM we will be enjoying our annual dinner with a special after dinner guest speaker; TV impersonator Les Gibson ‘The Man […]